Create Account

Already have your CPH? Please attempt to log in with the same credentials you used for the previous CPH Recertification portal. You may need to visit Password Assistance to reset your password to access your account.

Eligibility information

Please select your application status

Profile Information

When applying as a student, please use a personal (more permanent) email address
Please provide a permanent/long-term email address. If applying as a student, do not enter your school email address here - you will provide it on your application once you log in.
Password must be between 8 and 32 characters. It must contain one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one number.
Do not use characters: % < ; ' \ /

Contact Information

Please enter your name exactly as you would like it to appear on your CPH certificate. First Name and Last Name must match your government-issued ID.
If applicable, your mailing address must include an apartment or unit number separated by comma
Example: 123 Fake Avenue, Apt 22